People are exposed to lead in several different places. Soil, air, food, and water all carry the potential for lead exposure, but it is typically not very high. The most significant and dangerous way a person is exposed to lead is through lead-based paint.

Lead-based paint must be removed by a reputable, EPA-certified lead abatement specialist to avoid harmful exposure. Individuals who want more information on quality lead-paint services can look at more here.

Lead poisoning is especially dangerous for pregnant women, unborn babies, and children under three years old. Even at low levels, it can have adverse effects on an unborn child’s nervous system and intelligence. Young children develop symptoms and suffer damages of lead exposure much more quickly than adults. They can even develop neurological symptoms like mental retardation after being exposed through dust particles brought home by their parents.

In adults, lead exposure affects nearly every bodily system. It can cause severe damage to the nervous system, brain, kidneys, and blood cells. Additionally, high levels of lead exposure can cause a person to convulse, fall into a coma, or even die.

The symptoms of lead poisoning can vary. A person’s experience depends on how much lead was ingested and the length of time that they were exposed. Below is an explanation of the signs and symptoms of both acute and prolonged lead exposure.

#1. Acute Lead Exposure

When a person is exposed to a very high level of lead in a short amount of time, it is considered acute lead exposure. The symptoms may come on slowly and are often mistaken for other health issues. If acute lead exposure is suspected, be on the lookout for the following signs.

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal pain
  • Constipation
  • Memory impairment
  • Weakness
  • Tingling and painful sensations in the hands or feet

#2. Prolonged Lead Exposure

In addition to the symptoms below, a person who is exposed to lead for an extended period is at risk for developing severe conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease, and infertility. If a person has experienced prolonged lead exposure, check for the following symptoms.

  • Abdominal pain
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Easily distracted
  • Memory impairment
  • Irritability
  • Nausea or vomiting

Before it was known to be toxic, lead was commonly used in paint, as well as other materials like gasoline and water pipes. Lead-based paint is most frequently found in houses that were built before 1960, but could still be in homes built as recently as 1978. It could be found in several places such as outside of the house, on the walls indoors, and window frames.

Most often, lead-based paint is ingested when a person tries to remove it improperly. If a person either scrapes, sands, or burns it, high concentrations of lead particles can become airborne, posing a serious health risk to anyone who breathes it. Dust particles containing lead will land on surfaces nearby, and a person may accidentally eat it or absorb it through their skin.

Lead-based paint is the leading cause of lead exposure. If a person suspects lead in their home, they must have it tested and removed by a qualified lead-abatement specialist. Parents should have their children tested for lead exposure, as it is especially harmful to those under the age of 3. Even still, lead poisoning is extremely detrimental to people of all ages and should be taken very seriously.