There are about 60,000 different species of weevil. They belong to the superfamily of Curculionidae (the true weevil). They are also known as Snout beetle, so it’s a kind of beetle. The adult weevil is about 3mm long. They are mostly brown/dark in appearance. They are destructive pests to many crops, plants and can be used to curb invasive plant populations. Most weevils cannot fly, but there are exceptions with the rice weevil, grain weevils which are wingless.
Weevils can lay more than 250 eggs at once, and this subsequently results in their multiplication 15times in a period of one month. The female uses their maxillae to bore holes into food grain and lay eggs into it and then seal it up with a gelatinous secretion. Proper moisture content and optimum temperature of about 26-30C are favorable conditions for its development. Once the eggs are now inside the grain, the larvae begin to develop and bore their way out when they are fully matured.
An adult weevil lives up to approximately eight months. Whenever there is a signal of danger, they are known to feign death by eschewing from light to darkness for safety. Weevil prevention is far better than cure. To this, there should be regular sanitation and inspection by storing grains, wheat and barley in tightly sealed containers made of metals. Am infested grain when submerged in water will float.
The weevil is made of different segments; the jaws, which it uses for boring holes into grains. The elytra, which it uses to feign death when there is a danger and the hindwings used for flight. Weevils are herbivores. Some other weevils not closely related are better-named weevil such as the biscuit weevil.
Many weevils are damaging to crops been in the store or on the farm. Like the boll weevil, it attacks cotton crops and lays its eggs inside the cotton bolls, and the young weevils eat their ways out. Weevils are often found in dry food including nuts and seeds, cereals and grains products.
In a domestic setting, they are most likely to be upset when a bag of flour. Their presence is always noticed by the granules of the grains of the infested items sticking together in strings as if it is caught in a curb web. Because there are many species and of course various diversity, the high classification of weevil is in a state of flux. Weevils are generally divided into two minor and major divisions; Orthoceri (primitive weevil) and Gonatoceri (true weevil). Primitive weevils have vertical antenna while true weevil is distinguished by having elbowed antenna. Weevil can also vary in colors from black to light brown. Weevils in the field play essential roles. Their role is seen in bacteria, fungi assisting them in the process of decomposition of organic matter.
Weevils and flowers have close mutual benefits since they also classified as insects. Many plants depend on insects for several processes such as pollination, agents of raw materials and source of protein in some countries. Weevils can also be injurious to man when they invade human skin, furs and garments. The great news is, you can get rid of them by hiring a professional weevil exterminator so you can protect your foods, crops, as well as live in a weevil-free environment.